Using 'Procedural' Technical Files for compliance with the EMC Directive

Using 'Procedural' Technical Files for compliance with the EMC Directive image #1
The Technical Construction File (TCF) route to EMC compliance is available for everyone except those who make radiocommunication transmitting products. (By the way – TCFs for EMC are not the same as the Technical Files required by the Machinery and LVD directive, because TCFs need a certificate or report from an EMC Competent Body.) Engineering companies (rather than
those manufacturing mass-produced electronic products) often find the TCF route to be better than the self-certification to standards route, as it can reduce EMC testing costs.
Where products are very large, or only come together on the customer's premises, it may be impossible to test harmoonised standards anyway, in which case the TCF route may be the only one possible for EMC compliance.

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