EMC in Interconnections


EMC in interconnections

This module is designed to help designers understand that all wires, cables and other conductors are accidental antennas, so they always leak the signals they carry (emissions problems)

– either as electric (E) or magnetic (H) fields

They also pick up interference (immunity problems)

– either as electric (E) or magnetic (H) or electromagnetic (EM) fields

This is not what we want our conductors to do and this module will help to define strategies to reduce these effects.

Module is 96 slides over 48 pages


1) Antenna effects of conductors

2) Use fibre optics or alternatives, instead of conductors

3) The “RF Reference”

4) Cable classification and segregation

5) Good practices for both shielded and unshielded interconnections: controlling DM & CM return paths.

6) Shielding techniques for cables

7) Terminating cable shields

8) Interconnecting shielded enclosures

9) Ground loops

10) Transmission-line interconnections

11) Some useful references



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